travel escapism perfectly curated

Caya Retreats is a boutique travel + wellness collective. We use travel as a means to get out of our comfort zone while getting to know ourselves better. Being away from home and out of routine forces us to become more aware. Our goal is not to fix or heal, but simply observe and listen.

Caya stands for Come As You Are, but sometimes we don’t know who that is, or worse, for some reason we’re forced to ignore and repress it. We use a variety of tools, sometimes eccentric or unfamiliar, to stoke emotions and sit with them. All retreats are trauma-informed, meaning you decide what works best for your body, and every single workshop, class, pose, activity is voluntary.

Retreats are open to all ages, races, genders and past experiences. Come as you are, please.

About the owner

Caya Retreats is the creative love child of world traveler, yogi and writer Chelsea Fleming. She believes there is healing in community, travel and trying new things. She wanted to give the world what she herself was craving: authenticity.


We understand that retreats can be a huge investment. We keep our prices fair while providing an amazing, life changing experience. Booking costs are reflective of market trends.


Live life with no excuses, travel with no regret.

Oscar Wilde