A Caya Christmas Message

Today on Christmas, I chatted with a past retreat guest and they said, “When it’s a full year after Caya Costa Rica, I don’t know what imma do.”


In January, it’ll be one year since Caya Retreat’s first international retreat (ayeeeeee). However, there were so many retreats to be had during 2020 that were cancelled/indefinitely postponed because I just couldn’t let myself host a group gathering without feeling a tinge of guilt or fear.

Bottom line is, I didn’t want to feel - or worse, be - guilty of spreading fear OR the virus. So, a silent pause was placed, on work that had been completed for months, on trips that had been organized, on YEARLY retreats I never wanted to skip out on or miss.

The energy shifted towards trying to authentically grow Caya’s Instagram page, still working on that 😂 and brainstorm retreats people will need once travel bans are lifted and the fear/reality of coronavirus softens to people’s comfort levels.

The truth of this whole year is: people are losing a lot. We’re all making new space in our lives, intentionally or not, in the meantime. People are losing loved ones and losing relationships and losing their identity or jobs or security, everything is shifting and it’s so much to process. But what are we making space for?

When I think of how to serve the people, and serve the community, I feel like everyone just needs to BE HELD. Feelings need space and validation, fears need to be acknowledged, dreams still need to be spoken out loud and declared, even if they feel far-fetched and crazy.

Physical retreats or not, we’re still here, hanging on, looking to serve. Caya’s goal is ALWAYS to create a safe space for people to be themselves - good, bad, ugly, beautiful. And although we’re not able to physically sit around a table, share a meal and talk about what came up in a yoga class or a morning meditation, we are still very much here for you.

Because people still need to be held and seen and loved, just as they are.

Chelsea Fleming