Opening up: Sharing Guest Testimonials for the First Time Ever.

The definition of testimonial is: a formal statement testifying to someone's character and qualifications.

When we first started Caya Retreats in the Fall of 2018, we knew how important it was to gather feedback from each guest after a retreat. We wanted to do our best to meet guests expectations, and also have a place for individuals to share their experience. After the retreat, we’d hand out a blank piece of white computer paper and simply ask guests to, “Tell us what you think,” about their time spent with us.

Up until recently, these pieces of paper, scribbled with guest handwriting, were kept in a file folder, in a storage bin labeled “CAYA STUFF.” While doing a re-brand with past guest and graphic designer, Marissa Le, she mentioned - “Why don’t we use some of the retreat testimonials for Caya’s Instagram page?”

I froze.

In my head I knew sharing testimonials could give future guests a better idea of what to expect. It would also be a great way for strangers browsing the internet to feel a sense of trust for us as well. We’re big on trust. But still in my heart, I was hesitant.

“But what if you’re not reaching someone who you could potentially connect with in the future?”

Ouch. Marissa was right and I felt it.

So, I dug out the folder from the bin, sat down to read the testimonials, and wept.

The experiences of these individuals were so deep, so intertwined, so FULL. I flipped through pages of each guest’s encounter with Caya, how they felt arriving, the breakthroughs they had while on retreat, how they felt leaving, it was all so beautiful. I knew these stories didn’t belong in a bin, I knew these stories had to be shared.

For the first time, we’re sharing - with permission and consent of course - the testimonials, experiences and words of retreats past. We hope they move you and provide a glimpse of what to expect while on retreat with us. Most of all, we hope these stories act as an invitation, from us to you, so that one day our paths may cross on our lifelong journey of healing, community care, self-worth and joy.

Chelsea Fleming